In my country, the food habits of the people can be divided into 3 major categories: 1. Vegetarian : Eat plant and milk products (No egg, fish, meat). 2. Non-Vegetarian : Don’t let the name deceive you, these guys eat everything like egg, fish, meat, plant, and milk products. 3. Eggetarian : This is not really a word in any dictionary, but this is what we call these people who eat primarily vegetarian food and occasionally eat eggs. These days there is the rise of a new food habit called “ Veganism ” in India, which basically advises to rely only on plant-based foods and don’t eat any animal products, not even milk? The meaning of “Veganism” could be different in a global view, but this is what it means in India. You must have heard the phrase “catch them young”? This was used by information technology companies in India, which meant start training school-going children on IT so that when they grow up they are ready for the industry. Similarly, those who want
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